News & Events

Diocesan News

“We will see the end of slavery in our region” – A Reflection from International Justice Mission Australia at the St Josephine Bakhita Memorial Mass

It is in this spirit of partnership and faith that we move forward, confident that together, with the God of justice leading us and the intercession of St. Bakhita, we will see the end of slavery in our region, the Asia-Pacific.  [Read More]

Uni course sparks learning in inmates

A partnership between Parklea Correctional Centre and Australian Catholic University (ACU) has ignited a thirst for learning in inmates who are discovering new possibilities for their lives outside prison.  [Read More]

News & Events Weekly Update

News & Events Weekly Update News and Events across the Diocese of Parramatta and beyond [Read More]

Ash Wednesday

Often, we are genuinely sorry for our sins, but it does not always lead to a change of ways in that we continue to confess the same old sins over and over again. [Read More]