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Diocesan News

New Australian Ambassador of the Holy See appointed

A new Australian Ambassador of the Holy See has been appointed. [Read More]

All Christians are called to be missionaries of hope, pope says

Like Christ who consoled the poor, afflicted and oppressed, the pope said, Jesus' modern-day disciples must hear "the plea of suffering humanity and, indeed, the groaning of every creature that awaits definitive redemption." [Read More]

The Vatican’s response to AI

The Vatican released the long-awaited document Antiqua et Nova ("Ancient and New") on artificial intelligence on Jan. 28. [Read More]

Bishop Vincent’s Homily for the 6th Sunday in Ordinary Time 2025

The Word of God this Sunday challenges us to see our brothers and sisters through the prism of their suffering. It commits us to work for what Pope Francis describes as the globalisation of hope. [Read More]