Pope Francis has been an earthquake in the Church. Trusting in the Holy Spirit, he has boldly led the People of God on a path towards necessary conversion, reform, and repentance. [Read More]
Are we truly aware of the rich theological resources that open up when we respond – perhaps unthinkingly, automatically and habitually – to the priest’s greeting Dominus vobiscum (The Lord be with you) with the customary formula Et cum spiritu tuo (And with your spirit)? The extraordinary beauty inherent in this brief exchange or, rather, in the space opened up by a few simple words spoken with clarity, deserves careful analysis, which we would like to offer in this article as a small contribution to reflection on synodality. [Read More]
Right now, Francis will likely have to remain in the hospital for at least another week until he is fully recovered from pneumonia. Once he reaches that stage, he will return to the Vatican to continue the mission God has given him for as long as God wants. [Read More]
A world without a pope like Francis will in some ways resemble a Hobbesian dystopia without a prophet pointing to our better angels or a sensible idealist showing a better way. [Read More]